Michael’s Best Movies

Michael’s Favorite Movies


  1. 12 Years A Slave
  2. The Wolf of Wall Street
  3. American Hustle
  4. Her
  5. Gravity
  6. Rush
  7. The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug


  1. Silver Linings Playbook
  2. Lawless
  3. The Dark Knight Rises
  4. Looper
  5. Lincoln
  6. Killing Them Softly
  7. Mud
  8. End Of Watch
  9. The Iceman
  10. Skyfall
  11. The Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey


  1. Moneyball
  2. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
  3. Take Shelter
  4. Warrior
  5. The Artist
  6. Drive
  7. Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

2 thoughts on “Michael’s Best Movies

  1. ya i loved all these movies good list

  2. good choices great films

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